Source:Hengzhong Heavy author:Admin Date:22-09-09 Glance Over:
As a commonly used machining equipment, do you know the structure and performance of cold rolling mill? Mastering this part of the content is very useful for obtaining construction steel.
The main function of the cold rolling mill is to roll cold-rolled ribbed steel bars. It is a deep-processing product of hot-rolled disc bars and a new type of high-efficiency building steel. Only the cold rolling machine can meet its processing requirements. Because the cold rolling mill adopts a fully enclosed structure, it has the characteristics of less dust and noise; In addition, seven driven wheels are equipped in the box, which is convenient for the base metal to penetrate and adjust to the best descaling effect.
Secondly, the cold rolling mill uses two sets of three roll driven cold rolling heads. The three rolls form a circle center at 120 ° to each other. The steel section and size of each pass are modulated according to the processing diameter and the reduction amount, so as to avoid obtaining high-precision products. The equipment is powered by a speed regulating motor, which drives multi-stage gears to drive the main shaft and multi-layer wire drum to pull the steel bar; At the same time, a speed change mechanism is built in to change the rolling speed, which is convenient for processing various specified products.
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